Mar 20, 2011


Film Roles:
-sustains the movie economically/finances movie
-deals with contracts
-deals with problems whichi might arise (after all, the movie is his product, he is responsible for it)

Sound Designer:
-needs to know about the theme of the story, its essence, in order to have a good shot at what diagetic and non-diagetic sounds to use.
-uses appropriate music/sounds for different shot moods, themes, etc.

-needs to have an achúrate idea of what the shot is trying to capture (theme, etc.)
-organizes shot, leads the shooting (ordered by director) e.g.: lighting effects

-in charge of editing shots once they’ve been taken, digitalizing, rearranging, etc.

-coordinates other crew members
-tells actors how to play their roles
-organizes scenes/shots, decides on how they are to be, using the scrip as a “draft”
-makes storyboards to visualise the shot better, e.g.: what is it conveying?
-adapts script to the way he thinks it possible/better, etc.

-(need to know their lines…)
-personal morale, ethics, might be involved in the producing of the movie
-need to capture the essence of the movie/shot conveying it by facial expressions, dialogue, etc.

Script writer:
-gets over-ruled by actors/director at the time of taking decisions
-creates the initial film structure
-needs to re-write, re-create the storyline in case the movie has difficulties being adapted to reality
-difficulty on how to convey/transmit different themes, emotions, in the script, and transferring this script to picture

Assistant Director:
-the voice of the director at the shot
-director’s backup

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