a) a) the mise-en-scene used in the opening credits - what feelings of the "world of the film" are we given through all the various elements?
its incredieble how hitchkok manages to plce alot of facts togehter on the film for example wat had happend to him in terms of his leges , if he was in a relaishion ship with hom, so many dietails on 5 or 6 minutes of production it gives the viewer a scense of knowledge and dosent keep him in the darck .
b)b) the use of camera movement here. When does the camera start to move, how does it move, what mood or feelings are conveyed through this movement?
its incredivle how how the camara muves from the window zoomin in outside and then around alot like it is muving around if the persons would be muving alot in terms of he has a borken leg so he would be doing that alot because he has a borken leg so he could not muve aoutside that room, also how the camar muves eplaning everithing wiht out telling or any dieleog wat so ever .

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