firts week into production
our documentary productionhad a slightlie change, the docuemnatry was gon on public education and the impact it had on society on Argentina, but we have had somo legal problems with it so we had to change our topic to trafic and how it escalades on damger and bad driving, the reasson we have choosen this was because it was easier to produce and easier on the legal issues.
durin the past two weeks we have ben planing and reserching on the topic, we ben picturing how the documentary would fiton a screem , we have ben able to compúse a series of story boards picturing the ideas and diferent stuff we had in mind.
our diferent roles on the docuemntary bariet a little bit even dow each one has their roles asigned everyone does a little bit of something for xample I am the talent but during this past weeks I had been reserching and puting together some footage of masive and colosal driving accident,
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